
Powercast Corporation是一家总部位于美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡的无线充电技术公司。该公司成立于2003年,致力于开发和推广无线充电技术,为消费者和企业提供更加便捷、高效、可靠的充电解决方案。 Powercast Corporation的核心技术是无线充电技术,该技术可以通过无线电波将电能传输到设备中,从而实现无线充电。该技术可以应用于各种设备,包括智能手机、平板电脑、智能手表、无线耳机、智能家居设备等等。与传统的有线充电方式相比,无线充电具有更高的便捷性和灵活性,可以让用户更加自由地使用设备。 除了无线充电技术,Powercast Corporation还开发了一系列与之相关的产品和解决方案。其中包括PowerSpot,这是一款无线充电器,可以为多个设备提供无线充电;Powercaster,这是一款用于工业应用的无线充电系统,可以为机器和设备提供无线充电;Powerharvester,这是一款用于能量收集的无线传感器,可以通过无线电波收集环境中的能量,从而为传感器提供电力。 Powercast Corporation的无线充电技术和产品已经得到了广泛的应用和认可。该公司的客户包括苹果、三星、索尼、惠普、戴尔等知名企业。此外,Powercast Corporation还获得了多项专利和奖项,包括美国专利和商标局颁发的多项专利和2018年CES创新奖。 总之,Powercast Corporation是一家专注于无线充电技术的公司,通过不断创新和研发,为消费者和企业提供更加便捷、高效、可靠的充电解决方案。

PCC210 Powercast Corporation - Tape & Reel (TR) Cut Tape (CT) POWERHARVESTER BOOST CONVERTER I
P2110B Powercast Corporation - Bag POWERHARVESTER RECEIVER - 915 MH
PCC110 Powercast Corporation - Tape & Reel (TR) Cut Tape (CT) POWERHARVESTER RF TO DC CONVERTE
P1110B Powercast Corporation - Bag POWERHARVESTER RECEIVER - 915 MH
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Powercast Corporation is a leading provider of wireless power solutions that enable long-range, remote charging of electronic devices. The company was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Powercast's patented technology uses radio waves to transmit power over distances of up to 80 feet, making it ideal for a wide range of applications, including consumer electronics, industrial automation, and medical devices. Powercast's flagship product is the PowerSpot, a wireless charging system that can charge multiple devices simultaneously. The PowerSpot uses a combination of radio waves and Bluetooth technology to communicate with devices and ensure that they receive the appropriate amount of power. The system is designed to be easy to install and use, and it can be customized to meet the specific needs of different applications. In addition to the PowerSpot, Powercast offers a range of other wireless power solutions, including the Powercaster, a long-range wireless power transmitter that can charge devices from up to 80 feet away, and the Powerharvester, a wireless power receiver that can be integrated into a wide range of devices. The company also offers a range of development kits and software tools to help customers integrate its technology into their products. Powercast's technology has been recognized with numerous awards and accolades, including the CES Innovation Award, the R&D 100 Award, and the Wireless Power Consortium's Qi certification. The company has also been featured in a wide range of media outlets, including Forbes, Wired, and TechCrunch. Powercast is committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility, and its technology is designed to reduce the need for disposable batteries and other wasteful forms of energy. The company is also committed to innovation and is constantly working to improve its technology and develop new applications for wireless power. Overall, Powercast Corporation is a leading provider of wireless power solutions that enable long-range, remote charging of electronic devices. With its patented technology, commitment to sustainability, and focus on innovation, Powercast is well-positioned to continue to grow and succeed in the years ahead.


